Reverse Logistics In Indian Automobile Business Reverse Logistics In Automobile Industry

Reverse Logistics In Indian Automobile Business Reverse Logistics In Automobile Industry

Reverse logistics in automotive industryRyder is a commercial transportation, logistics and provide chain management options firm. Dr. Marisa P. de Brito, study associate at the University of Cambridge and author of Managing Reverse Logistics or Reversing Logistics Management? suggests that businesses today are facing increasing pressure to rethink the way they embrace the reverse flow of product inside the context of the entire provide chain and product lifecycle—or as she titles it in her thesis, reversing logistics management.

In addition, the issues are related to green logistics, as a result, the logistics methods contains the product return, recycling, refurbishing and so on. it is also recognized as the repair and remanufacturing of the items, therefore, the reverse logistics in automotive sector have interesting and vast part in the development of the enterprises or the firms. There are the efforts completed by the market, in order to improve enterprise and the …

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