Automotive High quality Management Standard Systems Analysis Automotive Industry Action Group

Automotive High quality Management Standar Systems Analysis Automotive Industry Action Group

Automotive industry action group measurement systems analysisOn Wednesday, the Automotive Market Action Group ( AIAG ) and CSR Europe , facilitators of the European Automotive Functioning Group on Supply Chain Sustainability, announced an unprecedented agreement among 14 international automakers on a set of requirements outlining expectations for suppliers on important responsibility issues such as human rights, atmosphere, functioning conditions and business ethics. The AIAG Quality initiatives are guided by the Good quality Steering Committee. This group is comprised of quality leaders at AIAG member firms, and contains representatives from car and truck OEMs and suppliers of all tiers. The High quality Steering Committee charter is to proactively identify business troubles, needs and trends and provide guidance and greatest practices to continually increase merchandise and processes.

The Automotive Good quality Core Tools are the developing blocks of an powerful high quality management program. They contain: Advanced Item Top quality Organizing & …

Automotive High quality Management Standar Systems Analysis Automotive Industry Action Group Read More